A model for the development of value co-creation in cooperatives of off-season products in Kermanshah Province


1 , Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agricuture & Natura Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Campus of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Kermanshah, Iran.


The development of value co-creation in agricultural production cooperatives leads to the increase of performance and success of these cooperatives. The main purpose of this descriptive-correlation research was to explain a model for developing value co-creation in cooperatives producing off-season products in Kermanshah Province. The statistical population was the members of active cooperatives (N=137), which was collected by census method of 129 questionnaires. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, whose validity was determined by a panel of experts in the fields of rural development, agricultural extension and rural planning. The reliability of the research tool was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. Based on the results five factors affect value co-creation behavior as follows: environmental pressure, managers' support (organizational culture), perceived self-efficacy, social capital, and perceived comparative advantage. The findings of the structural model with Smart-PlS showed that "perceived self-efficacy" (β= 0.657, sig= 0.00) has the greatest direct effect on value co-creation behavior. Another variable influencing the strengthening of value co-creation in the cooperatives was the support of the cooperative managers (β=0.237, sig=0.02), which is deeply under the influence of environmental pressures (β=0.825, sig=0.00). Finally, the research variables explained 64.5% of the variance of the co-creation behavior. Using the structural model presented in this research can help to develop value co-creation behavior in agricultural cooperatives producing off-season products.


Main Subjects

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