Analyzing driving and inhibiting factors of empowering students in sports entrepreneurship


Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran


In order to start a business in the sports industry, it is necessary to strengthen the empowerment of students. On the other hand, in the way of empowering students, there are many obstacles that have not been paid much attention in previous researches. This research, focusing on physical education students, seeks to identify and analyze the driving and inhibiting factors of empowering physical education students in sports entrepreneurship. This research was done in two stages. In the first stage, based on conducting qualitative interviews, a list of related factors was extracted. The second stage, based on a questionnaire survey and by collecting information from 384 physical education students, evaluated the list identified in the first stage. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that three types of factors include, scientific and technological facilities, the presence of motivated students and access to facilities and infrastructure as driving factors and four factors include, the weakness of the educational system, administrative and legal barriers, financial limitations and the weakness of legal support has been summarized as the inhibiting factors. The results of this model indicated that 59.72% of the total percentage of variance explanation is related to the inhibiting factors and 40.28% is related to the driving factors. The results of the comparative tests showed that there is a significant difference between the driving factors in terms of the degree of interest in the field of study, having expertise and skills, as well as the employment status among the students.


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