Formulating a model of empowering students in entrepreneurship and sports businesses


Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran


Today, the economic aspects of sports have expanded a lot in the world, and many investors are interested in starting a business in this sector. This research aimed to present a model of empowering students in entrepreneurship in sports businesses. This qualitative research was conducted with the grounded theory method. The target population in the qualitative section included experts in the field of sports management, educational management and entrepreneurship professors who are aware of the research topic. Using the snowball sampling method and the theoretical saturation technique, 12 interviews were conducted. In the quantitative stage, 150 items in the form of six main components were evaluated by 384 entrepreneurs, professors, students and also managers of sports businesses. The information extracted from the interviews was analyzed in a multi-step coding method. The findings were compiled in the framework of the paradigm model. Causal conditions including individual factors (including motivation, knowledge and awareness and psychological skills), educational system, organizational factors, financial factors and the role of the government, background conditions including those related to laws, facilities, human resources, organization custodians, educational and communication programs, intervening conditions including two facilitating groups (students, science/technology, facilities and infrastructures and successful examples) and destructive (supportive, educational performance, financial, managerial and legal), the strategies included educational, managerial, legal/legal strategies, and the consequences included employment, development of the sports industry, quality of education, financial and motivational. In the quantitative part, it was also determined that all the main components of the research have a suitable fit.


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