Economic analysis of income-generation and privatization of the activities of agricultural and natural resources research center stations in Qazvin province


1 Research Assistant Professor of Research, Economic Affairs, Agricultural Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.

2 Research Assistant Professor of Research, Economic Affairs, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran.

3 Research Assistant Professor


Given the decline in governmental funding for agricultural research, the main concern of agricultural research management and executive system is how to meet the budget requirement from non-governmental sources. The research centers and stations have considerable potentials to help to fund so that the self-reliance on non-governmental funds can be increased by the optimal and purposeful economic use of these potentials. The present research aimed to answer the question as to whether the research centers in Qazvin have used their resources and facilities in the province in planning for and prioritizing income-generating activities and for attracting required resources and investment from the private sector. The research adopted a descriptive survey in which cost-benefit analysis and project financial indicators were conducted for the projects of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center (ANRRC) of Qazvin. This is one of the most efficient techniques for financial and economic decision-making. Based on the results, nine projects with good economic justifications are recommended, such as establishing a Ganoderma cultivation site and rearing the Shaal sheep race. About 48.1% of the economic potential of Qazvin ANRRC was found to have been actualized, and it will be feasible to use its potential capacities in the context of income-generating projects and settling the existing impediments. Target-setting for the development of economic activities and formulating a comprehensive economic exploitation program are other capacities of this center.


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