Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Students of School of Agriculture at Shiraz University


Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Entrepreneurship skills development is an effective action in order to reduce unemployment concerns. Analysis of entrepreneurial orientation of the students of School of Agriculture at Shiraz University was the main aim of the study. A total students of the School of Agriculture (1874 individuals) were considered as research population and a sample of 365 students was selected through stratified random sampling for data collection in this descriptive study using survey. Face validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed by a panel of professors in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Education of Shiraz University as well as conducting a pilot study in 30 students out of the main sample (Cronbach`s alpha: 076-0.91). Data was analyzed using SPSS26 and different descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed there was not any differences between female and male students as any kinds of employability skills, entrepreneurial orientation and their tendency to starting a business. But it could be seen some statistical differences among the students of different levels of bachelor, master and Ph.D. in terms of skill workshop attendance, employability skills and entrepreneurial orientation, that the variables mean was higher in graduate students than the bachelors. Also, the respondents were categorized due to their entrepreneurial orientation and tendency to starting a business which indicate differences between groups in terms of the triple employability skills, skill workshops attendance as well as startup experience. Finally, some suggested strategies were provided in order to improve the entrepreneurial orientation and employability skills of the students.


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