Factors Affecting of the Business Model Innovation in Agriculture Knowledge-based Companies in Mazandaran Province



In the last few decades, the necessity of creativity and innovation in the agricultural sector
has become increasingly important for improving the economy and agricultural development.
The companies of the knowledge-based according to nature are among the companies that are
welcomed in the present era. Their development especially in the agricultural sector will bring,
in food security and social welfare. Innovation of the business model in agricultural knowledge-
based companies is a new strategy in development theories for empowerment and capacity
building in order to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, this research investigates the
factors affecting the business model innovation in Mazandaran agricultural knowledge-based
companies. This is a purpose-oriented research and in terms of data collection method,
descriptive-correlation is used. The statistical population of this research was 43 agricultural
knowledge-based companies in Mazandaran province and all firms were selected as the sample
population. The research tool is a questionnaire that the questionnaire validity was confirmed by
a panel of experts and university professors and also its reliability by the Cronbach's alpha
(0/84). In order to analyze the data, SPSS21 and PLS software's were used. The results show that
exploratory orientation influences the business model innovation. But other factors (opportunity
recognition, entrepreneurial bricolage, technological turbulence) have no significant effect on
the business model innovation.


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