Identifying beliefs that influence the idea Generation process of novice entrepreneurs.

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 Department of Entrepreneurship Development, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


beliefs related to entrepreneurial ideation play a fundamental role in individuals' motivation process, filtering new ideas, and determining their life paths; therefor, this research aims to identify the beliefs which have an effect on the novice entrepreneurs’ ideation process using a qualitative approach with a case study method. The data was collected through interviews and then analyzed with content analysis method, using a three-step coding process. The study population consisted of novice entrepreneurs in Tehran, within which 16 individuals were selected through purposive sampling. Those 16 individuals went through in-depth and semi-structural interviews until theoretical saturation was reached. Analyzing the interviews resulted in the identification of 69 concepts categorized into 14 themes based on semantic proximity. The research demonstrates the beliefs and mental obstacles faced by the studied entrepreneurs from the beginning of the ideation process to its execution. The findings indicate that in the step of ideation emergence beliefs, such as creativity, perfectionism, and future orientation hinder the ideation process. In the prerequisite ideation execution step, optimism, future thinking, affiliation, self worthing, ambiguity tolerance, identity, self-confidence, and success orientation hinder the entrepreneurial ideation. In the third step which is the execution of the idea; future orientation, hope, self-efficacy, and agency create a mental barrier. Overall, categorizing belief limitations based on entrepreneurial idea generation steps could have a significant effect on improving these limitations. Comparing these beliefs with studies conducted in the past and fundamental theory, the core beliefs which should change in the idea generation process have been determined


Main Subjects

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