Determinants of Cooperative Members' Participation in Crowdfunding


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Department Of Agricultural Extension and Education,, Faculty of Agricultural Management,, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

3 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources - Golestan, Iran



Currently, crowdfunding with the aim of converging collective action to form capital in cooperatives has been considered. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors influencing the participation of members in crowdfunding in rural cooperative companies of Gorgan Coutny. This research was conducted by a survey method and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information. The target population of the research included members of rural cooperative companies in Gorgan county (N=14,900). The sample size was estimated to be 374 people using the Krejcie and Morgan table and the respondents were selected by cluster sampling method. Structural equation modeling and PLS Smart software were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that among the six examined constructs, two constructs of perceived institutional capacity (β=305.0, t=122.5) and perceived behavioral control (β=199.0, t=334.3) have a significant and positive influence on attitudes towards crowdfunding. The influence of other constructs on attitudes is not significant. Additionally, the impact of the attitudes towards crowdfunding on the intention to participate in crowdfunding was also calculated to be positive and significant (β=421.0, t=257.8.( This study contributes to the literature by clarifying the characteristics that potential crowdfunders should have to be more prone to participate in cooperative activities. Also, the theoretical model and measurement scales used in this research can be developed or used by other researchers.


Main Subjects