The Effect of three urban agriculture, government and freelance job on psychological resilience


1 Department of Agroecology, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Agroecology Department,, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Pensilvania State University


Job and its nature is one of the most important factors that directly affects a person's life. The nature of the job includes the activity environment, benefits, and losses resulting from it. The type of job can affect people's mental health and resilience. In this research, the effect of three job groups of urban agriculture, government job and freelance job on the psychological resilience of people was investigated. For this purpose, five components of social skill, capacity to deal with stress, positive thinking, feeling alive and motivation were used. In order to data collection, 156 people were selected purposefully and by snowball method. To evaluate the data at the level of inferential statistics, analysis of variance and multivariate analysis were performed. The results revealed that the psychological resilience of persons in the three job categories differed, with those involved in urban agriculture having higher resilience than the other two job groups (P=0.000). The total score of resilience varies significantly by age group, with the highest average value (19.85) for urban farmers above the age of 50. The interaction effect for age groups and type of employment was also significant (P=0.004). There was also a significant interaction impact for age groups and type of job (P=0.004). The total score of psychological resilience wasn't affected significantly by gender. Furthermore, the findings of the two-way ANOVA across groups revealed that the interaction impact between job and gender is not significant. Suggested to investigate other dimensions of resilience in the group of women.


Main Subjects