Entrepreneurship development through improving labor productivity (Study of different sugar beet production systems in Golestan province)


1 MSc in Agricultural Economics, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


Today, productivity is the best and most effective way to achieve economic growth. Among the factors of production, the quantity and quality of the labor force in different stages of production is very important. Therefore, measuring the productivity of the labor force and investigating the factors affecting it will improve the overall situation of the production system, so this study, conduct the determination the productivity of the labor force in the production of sugar beet in Golestan province. The required information was collected by completing 166 questionnaires in the 2020-2021 crop years. The results showed that the average physical productivity of sugar beet production in Golestan province in small-owner, medium-owner, and major-owner systems is equivalent to 3.6, 4.1, and 4.7 kg per man-day, respectively. The results also showed that cultivated area, total cost of machinery and total cost of labor have a positive and significant effect, and education has a negative and significant effect on labor productivity. When the increase in labor costs leads to an increase in productivity, which is caused by an increase in the quality of labor, such as the use of highly skilled, creative and entrepreneurial labor. Therefore, it is suggested to provide suitable conditions for the use of creative and entrepreneurial labor in the production process of the agricultural sector, so as to increase the productivity of the labor force in addition to the development of entrepreneurship.


Main Subjects

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