Energy and functional analysis of tunnel and solar greenhouses (with the emphasis on structural design)


Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Agriculture Institute, Research Institute of Zabol, Zabol, Iran


The solar greenhouse uses solar energy as the main source of heat and reduces fossil fuel production in off-season crops. In this research, a comprehensive review has been presented about the energy saving and yield aspects of cucumber in solar greenhouse and tunnel greenhouse. In order to evaluate temperature and fuel consumed, were built tunnel and solar greenhouses in research institute of Zabol, Iran. Sampling included comparison of cucumber yield, greenhouse temperature and fuel consumption in two structures. The results showed that 10,247 and 4,017 liters of diesel were consumed in tunnel and solar greenhouse respectively from December to March, which is a 60.7% saving in fuel. The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the solar greenhouse in December was more than 10°C and the temperature inside was constant in this time. The inside temperature of both structures was increasing rapidly from 8:00 am, but the tunnel greenhouse inside temperature fluctuations were more from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm during winter. The yield of the solar greenhouse was 30 kg m-2, which was not different with the tunnel greenhouse. Therefore, according to the temperature changes curves and consumption fuel of two greenhouses, solar greenhouse was more efficient than the tunnel. It is suggested that by using only one heater and a cover, the temperature inside of solar greenhouse is approximately 10°C and 20°C warmer than the tunnel greenhouse and ambient respectively.


Main Subjects

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