Analyzing factors influencing the sustainability of agricultural businesses in Golestan province


1 Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Agricultural Management and Development, Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development, University of Tehran


Sustainability of agricultural businesses is one of the significant factors to reach sustainable economic development. As a result, the goal of this study was to examine both internal and external factors that affect the sustainability of agricultural businesses in the province of Golestan. In this descriptive-survey study, 160 samples were chosen using G-power software from a statistical population of agribusiness owners (N= 124280) in the province who were active in various areas of the food supply chain. A researcher-made questionnaire served as the study's measurement instrument, and the reliability of the tool was determined by calculating Cronbach's alpha and it was validated by receiving expert judgments. Software such as SMARTPLS4 were used for the data analysis. According to the findings, the individual and family index had the least impact on business sustainability, with a coefficient of 0.199, and the economic-financial index, with a coefficient of 0.332 had the greatest impact. Additionally, the political-legal index with a coefficient of 0.224 and the index of promotional interventions (external-organizational) with a coefficient of 0.203 had the largest and least impact on business sustainability, respectively. Additionally, the results showed that external organizational elements rather than internal organizational factors have a bigger influence on the sustainability of agricultural businesses. According to the findings, it is advised that the government should provide more favorable conditions for the sustainability of agricultural business through reforming and strengthening its policies by applying flexible procedures and systems and removing legal obstacles


Main Subjects

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