Formulating the paradigm model for product development in knowledge-based bio-agri inputs companies


1 Agricultural Development, Department of Agricultural Management and Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Agricultural Management and Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Iran


The knowledge-based bio-agri inputs companies can play a significant role in the healthier food production. In this regard, current research has tried to formulate the paradigm model for product development in knowledge-based bio-agri inputs companies that produce biological fertilizers and pesticides, using a qualitative approach and method of the grounded theory. The studied sample includes 28 expert managers of the knowledge-based companies and other related key informants. Sampling was done by purposive methods of snowball and theoretical sampling. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and at the same time were coded in three stages. The process of coding generated 60 open codes and 9 axial codes. The findings revealed that the limited market of biological agri-inputs and the weakness of the regulatory structure in issuing licenses were the most important causes and context and intervening conditions which had hindered the product development in the knowledge-based bio-agri inputs companies. These two categories have played a major role in reducing the profitability of the companies. In case of adopting strategies such as shortening the time of issuing permits and improving the market, we can expect the realization of consequences such as improving the income of the companies and production of healthier agricultural products. In this regard, solutions such as improving the transparency and ease of the process of reviewing and issuing licenses for biological inputs, as well as developing relevant markets, including through effective monitoring of unauthorized chemical residues in agricultural products and the enforcement of relevant standards, have been presented.


Main Subjects

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