Examining the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and business success of production cooperatives


1 PhD Student in Economic Sociology and Development, Faculty of Humanities, Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Iran.

2 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian Branch, Iran


Considering the role and position of rural production cooperatives in rural development and the modern agricultural system, as well as the capabilities of rural communities, their behavior beyond their duties can play an important role in the performance and effectiveness of the said cooperatives. In this regard, the present research has investigated the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the success of rural production cooperatives in Golestan province. The current research is a descriptive-survey type, and the statistical population of this research is 19,612 people from 48 cooperatives active in rural production in Golestan province, of which 377 people were selected and sampled as the sample size through the Karjesi Morgan table. Questionnaire was the main tool of research evaluation, whose content validity was confirmed by experts' opinions. In addition, the values obtained from the average variance extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) showed the convergent validity and adequate reliability of the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling and partial least squares approach was used through Smart PLS3 software. The results obtained from the Man-Whitney test showed a significant difference in citizenship behavior in the groups of gender, marital status and participation in related training courses at the 95% confidence level and in the education group at the 99% confidence level. had Also, the results showed that organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on the success of rural production cooperatives with a coefficient of 0.451.


Main Subjects