Exploratory Study of Advantages of Fars Science and Technology Park Incubators for Knowledge-based Companies


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


There are variuos services and facilities including offices, educational and advisory services as well as financial credites provided to knowledge-based companies through Science and Technology Parks and incubators in order to support and contribute to the development and maturity of these companies. The main purpose of this study was to explore, identify and analyze the advantages of knowledge-based companies established in Science and Technology Park from the viewpoints of the managers and officials of the parks and companies. The research method was qualitative with multiple case study. The data was collected through interviews with 17 managers of Science and Technology Park, incubators and managers of knowledge-based companies established in incubator of Fars Science and Technology Park. Data analysis was conducted using MAXQDA2020 through data coding. Based on the results, having various facilities and services, security and physical protection, credits, interaction and synergy, as well as employment and entrepreneurship were the major advantages that knowledge-based companies benefit due to their physical location in the Science and Technology Park. Comparison of the opinions of two groups of park managers and companies indicated that the factors such as loans, training and interaction and synergy were more important from the opinion of the park managers, but according to the knowledge-based companies` managers, social credit, training and loans had a higher priority, respectively. Identifying the factors which are more important for companies can lead to more accurate planning of park managers and more satisfaction of company members.


Main Subjects

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