Identifying the Indicators and Components of the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the Components of Competitive Advantage


1 Department of Entrepreneurship Management . Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.

2 Department of Entrepreneurship Management . Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katuol, Iran.


The purpose of this research is to identify the components and indicators of the development of corporate social responsibility based on the components of competitive advantage, which has been implemented by focusing on the functions and duties assigned to international commerce chambers. This research has been done in two stages. The first stage was carried out using the fuzzy Delphi technique with the aim of identifying social responsibility indicators. At this stage, the statistical sample consisted of 30 academic experts and high managers of commerce chambers who were selected in a targeted manner. In the second stage, a quantitative approach was used to screen and confirm the identified categories. In this part, the statistical sample included 357 experts of commerce chambers and they were selected by random cluster method among different provinces. The findings of this study showed four dimensions in the form of 12 components and 46 indicators for the corporate social responsibility of commerce chambers. The environmental dimension has four components: "sustainability", "efficiency", "green cities" and "efficient infrastructure", the ethical dimension has two components: "responsiveness to stakeholders" and "social justice", the economic dimension has four components: "entrepreneurial economy". "competitive economy", "producer economy" and "efficient economy" and the legal dimension also have two components: "complying with requirements in upstream documents" and "fulfilling obligations to all stakeholders". Therefore, it is suggested to take measures based on knowledge and communication and information innovations to promote corporate social responsibility based on the components of the competitive advantage of international commerce chambers.


Main Subjects

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