The influence of the customer's sustainable engagement behavior on the perceived social responsibility of the brand, environmental concerns and green trust (case study: customers of agricultural products)


Department of Management, Attar Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran


Concerns about the environment have led to a movement called the Green Movement, and philanthropic companies have gone beyond government regulation. They use strategies that create a sustainable environment and seek an economic system that will ensure the survival of the planet. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of perceived brand social responsibility on sustainable customer interaction behavior, with emphasis on the role of environmental concerns and green trust in agricultural products. The population of this research is the customers of agricultural products of Mashhad chain stores and the sample size according to Cochran's formula is 384 people. Data were collected through the standard questionnaire of Chuah et al. (2020) and the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through face validity and expert validation and construct validity using factor loads, and reliability using Cronbach's alpha test and combined reliability. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data with PLS software. The results of this research show that the perceived social responsibility of the brand has influenced green trust; But its impact on environmental concerns has not been confirmed. It was also found that environmental concerns and green trust have a significant effect on the customer's sustainable engagement behavior. Finally, the effect of the customer's sustainable engagement behavior on the loyalty and citizenship behavior was also confirmed. It is suggested that brands focus on the tangible aspects of social responsibility and explain it to customers so that they understand the importance of the issue better.


Main Subjects

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