Analyzing the effect of enterprise model components on the success of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Cherdavel Township


1 Department of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, , Faculty of Literature& Humanities Sciences, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.

2 MSc. Graduated of Entrepreneurship,,, Ilam University.ilam,,Iran.


This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of enterprise model components on the success of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Cherdavel Township in Ilam province. The methodology of this research is descriptive and among the descriptive methods, the correlation method has been used. The statistical population was 361 agricultural enterprisees managers, and the sample size was estimated to be 186 enterprisees using Cochran's formula, which were selected and studied using a simple random sampling method. The data collection tool was a structured researcher's questionnaire that was developed by examining the background of the research. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by using the opinions of five university professors and five people involved in agricultural businesses, and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha (0.83). The dependent variable of the research was business success and the independent variables were the components of the business model derived from the model of Strovaldera (2013). Multiple regression analysis showed that the three variables of income streams, deliverable values and target customers explained 51.2% of the changes in the dependent variable of enterprise success. It is suggested; In order to increase the success rate of their enterprises, managers should seek to find innovative values and new offers for their customers and try to make their enterprises values more distinct from other common values in the market that are offered to customers by other similar enterprises


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