The effect of the university's perceived support and Entrepreneurial Passion on The Entrepreneurial Intention of students: The moderating role of need for autonomy


Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


The theory of planned behavior includes important motivational variables that affect people's entrepreneurial intention, and these variables themselves are affected by other factors. Also, it seems that the effect of these two factors on these motivational variables is under the influence of the need for autonomy variable, and based on this, the present study was compiled. From the point of view of the objective, this research is applied and in terms of the method of data collection, it is considered to be a descriptive type of research that was implemented using the correlation-causal method. The data collection tool is a Likert-scale questionnaire that was distributed among the students of Khuzestan province using the Internet in a virtual and available method and in the form of a snowball, and 447 usable questionnaires were analyzed. The findings showed that entrepreneurial passion and perceived university support directly and indirectly through the motivational variables of the theory of planned behavior are effective on entrepreneurial intention. Also, the moderating role of the need for autonomy variable in the effect of entrepreneurial passion and perceived university support on entrepreneurial intention was confirmed. At the end, regarding to the research statements, some suggestions were presented. Among the most important ones, universities and the teachers were advised to have continuing support of training and incentive research programs like courses, fellowships, conferences etc. to create and develop an ecosystem for entrepreneurship and lunching business ventures by students.


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