Investigating the production and development problems of greenhouse products (The case of study: Greenhouses in Kermanshah County)


Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Science and Agriculture Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Creating a greenhouse for the production of agricultural products is one of the important strategies to ensure food security. However, greenhouse development faces various problems and obstacles. Therefore, the aim of the research is to investigate the production and development problems of greenhouse products in Kermanshah County. The statistical population included 100 active greenhouse owners in 2022, of which 80 were selected as a statistical sample using the Krejcie and Morgan table. The sampling method was simple random., the validity of which was confirmed by content validity and its reliability by Cronbach’s alpha (α≥0.81). The data collection method is field and descriptive-analytical. The obtained data were analyzed by methods such as descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation), inferential statistics (exploratory factor analysis, uMann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis) . The findings of the exploratory factor analysis using the varimax method showed that the problems of production and development of greenhouse products can be identified in six factors: credit barriers, technical and consulting, educational and legal, production and export, infrastructural and sales. These factors explained a total of 64.98% of the variance of the dependent variable. According to the results obtained from the Kruskal Wallis test, there is a significant mean difference at the 95% level in the two education groups and the type of product produced in the greenhouse, respectively, in the two inhibiting factors of technical and consulting barriers and production and export barriers. Mann-Whitney test was not significant in any of the factors.


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