Providing a personal branding model in the development of entrepreneurship of small and medium enterprises


1 Phd Candidate, Department of entrepreneurship , Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University , Sari , Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of marketting Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari,Iran

3 Department of educational management,, Sari BraAssociate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari,Irannch, Islamic Azad, Sari, Iran


In a world where businesses are moving towards personal relationships and building trust, personal branding has become more and more a priority. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to present a personal branding model in the development of small and medium enterprises. The research method is mixed). In the first stage, the grounded theory method was used, and in the second stage, a questionnaire survey was used. The target population in the qualitative section includes all experts and academic experts in the field of brand management, business management and entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs from two scientific and executive fields in Iran and in the quantitative section managers and entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises and graduate students from business management. The information extracted from the interviews was analyzed in a multi-step coding method. The findings were compiled in the framework of the paradigm model. These include causal conditions, mediating conditions (types of legal infrastructure, competitive environment of the domestic market and favorable international conditions), contextual conditions (individual and management competence, and the existence of required infrastructure including networking and social and cultural factors), strategies (types of trust-building strategies, creating differentiation, brand analysis and evaluation strategies) and consequences (business development, social acceptance, increasing incomes and money circulation). The results of the quantitative part of the research showed that the path coefficient for all the components of the research and the defined paths between the variables and constructs of the model are positive and significant and the model has a good fit.


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