Development of Green City Entrepreneurship: Requirements of Sustainable Production of Urban Agriculture in Razi University of Kermanshah


1 Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sustainable production requirements of urban agriculture in the form of green city entrepreneurship development by structural equation modeling. The statistical population of study was the 150 farmer of Green Garden project in the form of urban agriculture at Razi University of Kermanshah, 90 of whom were randomly selected as a sample size using Krejcie Morgan table. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Based on the mean value of variance extracted (0.533 > AVE < 0.735) and combined reliability (0.703 > CR < 0.901), the questionnaire had convergent validity and proper reliability. SPSS21 and Smart PLS3 software were used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that social, environmental and economic requirements (with path coefficients of 0.377, 0.402 and 0.359, respectively), at the level of 99% confidence had a positive and significant effect on agricultural sustainability. Additionally, the social variables of satisfaction with authorities, executives, and stakeholder participation, the environmental component of collecting and using rainwater, and the economic element of having access to cultivation-related equipment and facilities performed better than others. In general, all three development structures (economic, social and environmental) have a significant effect on the sustainability of urban agriculture. The findings of this study can be used to design urban agriculture development strategies based on urban entrepreneurship. Therefore, utilizing urban lands' potential for social and economic empowerment of individuals as well as urban space regeneration can have a big impact on the advancement of modern agriculture.


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