An Explanation of knowledge Management with Innovative Research and Development approach based on Grounded Theory method


1 PhD student in Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is the explanation of concept of knowledge management with the approach of research and development and innovation based on the grounded theory method in the country's cement industry. In order to collect data in the qualitative section, semi-structured interviews were used which the interviewees were experts in the field of cement in the country and were purposefully selected. In order to model, Strauss and Corbin's version of Grounded Theory has been used. In this process, 53 concepts and 24 categories have been created and grouped in the form of 6 axises of grounded Theory. To select a statistical sample, 90 managers and experts in the field of cement were selected by the available sampling method. In the quantitative part of the model, the structural equation modeling method was approved using Smart PLS software. Based on these analyses, the effect of causal conditions on the main phenomenon is equal to 0.704, the effect of the main phenomenon on the strategy is equal to 0.813, the effect of background conditions on the strategy is equal to 0.747, the effect of intervening conditions on the strategy is equal to 0.559 And the effect of strategy on the outcome is equal to 0.753


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