Development of a mechanism for national work division to start the process of implementing the progress model


Department of Future Studies / Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS) of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology


The acceleration of developments in the fields of scientific, political, economic, social and cultural has made achieving progress to be a pre-planned process based on futures study and participation. In the challenging process, the opportunities and resources aren't enough. All the requirements of the progress aren't equal in importance and priority. A recommended measure for all the nations is to exploit their scientific, economic, social, cultural resources with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Such a recommendation for the country is the inclusion of all material and spiritual assets in the process of progress. In the paper, with a positivist guidance approach and the use of documents and experiences and the systems thinking, a mechanism for national work division has been developed to start implementing the Iranian Islamic model of progress. Based on the fate of the existing national documents, it will be difficult or even impossible to move within the framework of the existing model without the precise and possibility of monitoring provision of conditions, measures and measures. Based on the mechanism presented in the study, using the methods of systems analysis, process and project management, the model of progress as a "comprehensive system" should first be divided into several meaningful "systems", "subsystems" and "activities", secondly, the "main" and "partner" national institutions in charge of the implementation of each of the systems, subsystems and activities should be determined, thirdly, a "flexible timetable" should be designed and established for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the performance of each of the activities.


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