Recognizing and analyzing the effective structures on the success of rural production cooperatives in Golestan province


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian Branch, Iran


The success of rural production cooperatives plays an important role in the modern agricultural system, the empowerment and development of rural communities. The performance of these cooperative companies is formed by various factors and depends on it. In this regard, the present research has investigated the recognition and analysis of the effective structures on the success of rural production cooperatives in Golestan province. The current research is a descriptive-survey type, the statistical population of this research consists of 19,612 people from 48 active rural production cooperatives, and the sample number was 377 people obtained through the Kargesi Morgan table. Sampling was done in a random stratified manner. The researcher-made questionnaire was a research measurement tool, whose content validity was confirmed using experts' opinions. The values obtained from the average variance extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) showed the convergent validity and adequate reliability of the questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS23 software and Smart PLS3 software was used to model structural equations. The results obtained from the model showed that increasing group cohesion and solidarity with a coefficient of 0.933 and increasing productivity, performance and effectiveness with a coefficient of 0.903 at the 99% confidence level were the most important structures affecting the success of rural production cooperatives. The results showed that the success of rural production cooperatives has a significant difference in the groups of the type of membership in the cooperative, education, receiving facilities from the cooperative and participating in training courses.


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