Identify the components /dimensions of entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector based on information technology


1 Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Information Technology Management, Business Intelligence, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Today, the development of the agricultural sector is not possible without relying on efficient information and the use of new technologies, and the use of information technology to develop and update information and tools related to entrepreneurial activities in this sector leads to job creation and value creation. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify the components of entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector based on information technology. This study is of qualitative type (content analysis and Delphi). In order to prepare the data, first, by reviewing the theoretical foundations and previous studies through content analysis method, the components of entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector based on information technology were identified and through Delphi method, these components were approved and prioritized. In the content analysis method, subjective methods were used to analyze the data and in the Delphi method, descriptive statistics such as counting, percentages were used to analyze the data of questionnaires and interviews. In the content analysis method, 27 indicators were extracted as factors for entrepreneurship development in the agricultural sector and reached the Delphi stage. In three rounds of Delphi, 13 indicators were added to the indicators and out of 40 indicators, only 8 indicators were not agreed upon by the experts. The results showed that the factors affecting the development of information and communication technology consist of 9 components (legal infrastructure, technical infrastructure, educational-extension infrastructure, managerial infrastructure, cultural infrastructure) and 32 indicators that play a fundamental role in business development.


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