Analyzing the obstacles facing start-ups in the agricultural sector and offering solutions for their development; Application of the Delphi method


Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran


The position of start-up businesses in the economy and their role in solving countries' problems is becoming more prominent day by day. Some countries, aware of the importance of this issue, have been able to create a suitable ecosystem for the development of this type of business. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the obstacles facing start-ups in the agricultural sector and to provide solutions for their development. In terms of approach, the current research is mixed and sequential-exploratory. The statistical population in the qualitative section included those owners of start-ups in the field of agriculture who had experience and education related to the subject. This research was done in three stages: 1) Analyzing the current business situation of agricultural startups in Iran, 2) Identifying and prioritizing obstacles and limitations of startups, 3) Identifying and prioritizing solutions for the growth of startups. I see. According to the results, the main source of income for startups was from the sale of products. The majority of startup owners stated that they started their business with personal capital and did not get help from government support. The most important obstacle was related to the ruling laws and regulations. The government nature of the domestic markets, the difficulty of accessing primary data from the market, and the lack of transparency of the capital market were among the obstacles that made the risk of entering such businesses difficult.


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