Analysis of Reasons for the Decrease Tendency of Rural Youth to Agricultural Occupation (Case study: Cheleh District, Gilang-e-Gharb Township)


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Nowadays, rural youth are fewer tendencies to settle in rural areas and engage in agricultural activities, while the future of agricultural development in any country depends on rural youth. Considering the importance of the employment of rural youth in agriculture, this qualitative research was conducted with the aim of Analysis of reasons for the decrease tendency of rural youth to agricultural occupation. The population of the study included the rural youth in Cheleh District of Gilan-e-Gharb Township. The main data collection tool was in-depth interviews with rural youth who were studied through purposive sampling and snowball method. Analysis of data collected by content analysis method using MAX-QDA12 software led to the identification of 32 concepts related to the most important reasons for the decrease tendency of rural youth to agricultural occupation, which in the form of 5 main categories including 1) high risk for agricultural occupation, 2) low income and difficulty of agricultural profession, 3) negative attitude towards the village, 4) lack of health and welfare facilities in the village and 5) lack of enough credit in the agricultural sector. The findings of this study indicate the fact that rural youth prefer non-agricultural occupations to agriculture, which may be due to the high profitability and convenience of those occupations. Therefore, the need seems to help with coherent and appropriate planning to increase utility in rural areas, which can create a sense of belonging, participation, capital, entrepreneurship development, vitality to the village and the rural environment.


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