Analysis of Entrepreneurial Value Chain in Ecotourism Enterprises: Technological Startups Development Approach


1 PhD Student in Entrepreneurship, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.


Technological start-ups in the field of tourism are a new type of newly established companies or firms that try to help entrepreneurs and investors in the field of tourism achieve growth and sustainability based on new knowledge and technology. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the entrepreneurial value chain in ecotourism enterprises with the approach to technological startup. In this research, the components (dimensions of the development of technological startup infrastructures in the field of ecotourism) and research propositions (propositional topics of entrepreneurial value chain functions in this field) were identified with the participation of 15 experts in the field of entrepreneurship and tourism. In the quantitative phase, the identified components and propositions in the form of matrix questionnaires were interpreted by 18 key informants by interpretive ranking process. The results showed that the proposition of human resource function as the most effective theme of entrepreneurial value chain functions in ecotourism, which leads to the development of economic capacity as a main component of technological startups of ecotourism. This result shows that under the most influential proposition of the entrepreneurial value chain in tourism, explicitly, the functioning of human resources, the most probable scalable dimension of the infrastructure of technological startups in the area of ecotourism is economic capacity. In other words, with the development of human resources in technological startups in the field of ecotourism, it is possible to develop and exploit economic capabilities in the value chain of these enterprises .


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