Analysis of the innovative behavior in students of Sari Agricultural College


1 Agricultural Extension and Education Group; Faculty of Engineering; Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran

2 Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Golestan Province, Iran.


The present study examines the innovative behavior of students of agricultural schools in Sari city in Mazandaran province. This is a descriptive-survey study. The statistical population was composed of 433 students, out of which 206 students were selected on the basis of Krejcie and Morgan table. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire in which innovative behavior was measured by 32 items in the form of three dimensions of idea discovery, idea creation and idea support. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used in SPSS21. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between different dimensions of innovative behavior at the level of 99% confidence. Findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between innovative behavior and students' semester. Comparison of innovative behavior of students in different groups showed that innovative behavior in the groups of gender, level of education, having a job, having a history of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as different fields of study, had a significant difference. According to the results, it is suggested that educational centers, including institutions and centers of higher education, by providing educational facilities and infrastructure to provide the ground for the production of ideas to pave the way for the development and strengthening of entrepreneurial culture. It is suggested that educational centers, including institutions and higher education centers, by providing educational facilities and infrastructure, supply the ground for creating and developing ideas for students, in order to strengthen and expand the entrepreneurial culture.


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