A model for revitalizing small and medium-sized rural businesses have been seen in the covid-19 crisis (case study: rural businesses of kermanshah province)


1 MSc. Student, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship - Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Entrepreneurship - Razi University, Iran


The Covid 19 virus pandemic (Corona) has not only affected public health, but has caused a major recession in the world. In addition to the consequences of the Corona virus, the Iranian economy is also facing the pressure of sanctions and is experiencing these two factors simultaneously. More importantly, businesses have not been immune to the virus. Kermanshah province with high unemployment is at risk of damage to rural businesses. Therefore, the present study seeks to provide a model for the revitalization of small and medium-sized rural businesses affected by the Covid 19 crisis, which has been conducted in rural businesses in Kermanshah province. Experts of the Jihad Agricultural Organization of the province and professors of Razi University have formed the statistical population of this study who were selected by purposive sampling and snowball method. Semi-structured interview method was used to collect research data in the qualitative part and survey method was used in the quantitative part. The data collection process continued until the theoretical saturation of the available information Qualitative analysis of the data was performed by Max Kyoda software and by analyzing 15 interviews, a total of 45 codes were identified. The data were analyzed in four main categories: financial - facility, service - support, business empowerment and market summary. The two factors of finance - facilities and services - support empower the business, and this in turn can be a factor in creating decisions with a focus on customer, market and marketing. In the quantitative part, the results of Friedman prioritization test showed that for the rehabilitation of damaged rural units in Kermanshah province, respectively, financial-facility factors (3.43), empowerment- resilience (2.73), support-services (2.40) and market factors (1.43) had a higher priority.


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