Optimization of the process of issuing agricultural licenses in the field of heavy livestock


1 faculty member in areeo

2 Associate Professor in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

3 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization

4 Faculty Member, Animal Science Department, Ghom Agricultural and Natural Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ghom, Iran

5 Faculty Member, Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Research and Education Center, AREEO, Kermanshah, Iran.

6 Faculty Member, Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Kurdistan Agricultural and Natural Research and Education Center, AREEO, Sanandaj, Iran.

7 Faculty Member, Economic, Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Research and Education Center, AREEO, Isfahan, Iran.

8 Faculty Member, Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran.


The present study is designed to optimize the process of issuing agricultural licenses in the field of heavy livestock. The statistical population of the research consists of two parts: applicants and experts. In the applicant’s section, 100 people who had applied for and obtained licenses in the provinces between 1997 and 1999 were selected, and in the expert’s section, 100 representatives of the key agencies involved were selected. Were. The research method for this study was the focus group. The work was based on group meetings and structured interviews. In this method, first, the current status of the process of issuing heavy livestock licenses, obstacles and problems from the applicants 'point of view, were identified, and then the favorable conditions from the experts' point of view were introduced, and finally solutions to the problems were counted. According to the results, the main problems were: 1) Issuance of licenses in different provinces does not have a fixed procedure 2) The registration process is done without a preliminary check to qualify. 3) The window system is not a smart unit. 4) There is no transparency in laws and regulations. 5) The institutions involved are not compatible with each other and with the single window system. 6) Expert visits are frequent and unnecessary. Some of the suggested solutions are: 1) Talent identification of different areas for agricultural activities before registering the application in the system. 2) Perform all steps in the intelligent system and in an integrated manner.


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