Identifying the challenges of rural tourism development in border areas (Case study: Aras Free Zone)


1 Faculty Member / Geography Department. Faculty of Humanities. University of Zanjan. Zanjan. Iran.

2 Faculty member / Agricultural Extension, Communication & Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture. University of Zanjan. Zanjan. Iran

3 MSc. in Rural Development / Agricultural Extension, Communication & Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture. University of Zanjan. Zanjan. Iran


Today, villagers face problems such as unemployment, low agricultural productivity, increased migration to cities, and marginalization. Rural tourism can be effective in solving these problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the challenges of rural tourism from the perspective of rural experts and tourism activists in the Aras Free Zone. To conduct this research, the qualitative method (Thematic Analysis Method) has been used. The sample was purposefully selected by snowball sampling method, which included 24 people. Goba and Lincoln evaluation method was used to ensure the validity and reliability of the research. The collected data were analyzed using MAXQDA software. The results show that villages with tourist attractions in Aras Free Zone face challenges such as social vulnerability, lack of proper policy-making, weak infrastructure, lack of investment, insufficient financial support for tourism business, weak information network, seasonal tourism, inadequate supervision of executive plans, lack of Research, poor security, low participation of villagers and tourism organizations, damage to traditional village architecture and environmental degradation.


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