Content Analysis of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop” Textbook Taught at 11th Grade, Farming Discipline, Secondary School, From Perspective of Attention to Components of Entrepreneurship


1 Payame Noor University

2 payame noor university

3 payame noor


The aim of this study was to evaluate the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop" textbook in terms of attention to the components of entrepreneurship. The research method was content analysis. The study population included, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop textbooks eleventh grade Secondary secondary school in school year 2020 Considering the nature and logic of the research, the entire text of the book was examined as an example. Measurement tool, self-made content analysis checklist Consisting of 13 Index was, the validity of the use of professional judgment (validity and content) determined using retest reliability 0.89 respectively. results using descriptive statistics were used in the process of Shannon entropy analysis. Based on research, "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop", textbooks eleventh grade Secondary secondary school 270 times concepts of entrepreneurship, focused The index distribution of its importance. In this book, the component of "creativity and innovation" with 90 frequencies (37%) has received more attention and the component of "responsibility" with 5 frequencies (2%) has received the least attention. In terms of coefficient of importance index, the component of "success" with a coefficient of importance of 0.138 had the highest coefficient of importance and the component of "risk-taking" with a coefficient of significance of 0.027, had the lowest coefficient of importance.


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