Qualitative analysis of job preferences and training of job skills in agricultural education


Associate Prof., Department of entrepreneurship and rural development, , Ilam, I.R. Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the concept of job and its characteristics and provide a suitable solution for employment of students in the Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University. Qualitative research methodology and among the qualitative methods, phenomenological method has been used. Participants in the study were 30 agricultural students & faculty members of Ilam University who were purposefully selected and studied. Data collection tool was semi-structured interview. The criterion for the end of sampling was saturation data theoretical. Data analysis was performed using coding and categorization and using MAX-QDA software version 12. To confirm the validity and reliability of the findings, reliability (accuracy of the findings from the perspective of the researcher and participants) were used. The results showed that the preferred job of most of the students participating in the research was government. Also, from the students' point of view, the economic characteristics of the job were more important to them than other characteristics of the job. The results also showed that students need to learn business skills, entrepreneurial psychological skills, success skills, and specialized and applied skills to choose a job. It is suggested that business-related training and job opportunities be taken seriously and carefully in students' curricula. Also, a job counseling center should be set up at Ilam University.


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