Content Analysis of the Barriers to Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Growth in the Context of the Agricultural Higher Education System


1 Lecturers of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, Department, Ilam University

2 Prof., Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Development, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

4 Assistant Prof., of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, Faculty of Agricultural, Ilam University, Iran


The current research was conducted with the purpose of content analysis of the barriers to entrepreneurship ecosystem growth in the context of agricultural higher education system. This study was led with an inductive approach using a qualitative content analysis method. Based on purposive sampling, startup activists were analyzed in two sections of private and public sector. The MAXQDA12 software was used to manage and analyze data. These units were categorized according to their common themes. Finally, based on their correlations, the categories were put into separate classifications called “themes”. According to the findings, the subcomponents of “improper role of government in building ecosystem” and “inefficient leadership” from the component of political barriers; the subcomponents of “cultural problems”, “lack of entrepreneurial thinking” and “copying the world's successful ecosystems” from the component of cultural barriers; the subcomponent of “poor performance of professional institutions supporting entrepreneurship” from the component of supportive barriers; the subcomponents of “improper market atmosphere”, “improper economic condition” and “lack of ecosystem interaction” from the component of market barriers; the subcomponents of “distance from entrepreneur university” and “lack of trained manpower in universities” from the component of human barriers and the subcomponents of “problem of capital and investment” and “excessive reliance on government funding” were found to be of the highest level of importance. Moreover, the components of human barriers was found to have the first priority in preventing the entrepreneurship ecosystem growth.


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