An analysis of the desire of rural women to develop agricultural-oriented businesses in Mazandaran province


1 Islamic Azad University, Sari

2 Ph.D. student f Geography and Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran

3 Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.


The present study is a descriptive survey that examines the desire of rural women to develop agricultural-oriented businesses in Mazandaran province. The statistical population of this study consisted of 776 women with agricultural-oriented business members in 26 rural women's micro-credit funds in 10 cities of Mazandaran province, of which 260 people were selected as a sample size by stratified random sampling based on Krejcie Morgan table. Factors affecting women's desire to develop by performing four logit regression models. As the results of the research showed, the level of education, being an entrepreneur in the family, participating in training courses, risk-taking spirit and business satisfaction on women's desire to increase knowledge and job skills; Variables such as membership in the fund, number of years of activity, participation in training courses and the level of self-confidence on the desire to create new job opportunities; Risk-taking, the degree of trust and satisfaction of the business on the desire to increase the level of production and the amount of liquidity; The three variables of education, participation in training courses and risk-taking had a positive and significant effect on the willingness to use tools and production technology. The findings also showed that the distance from residence to business has a negative and significant effect on women's desire to create new job opportunities in the village. Utilizing the potential of cyberspace to educate women, using the capacities and services of promoters and experts in the field of agriculture, are the most important suggestions of this research.


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