Investigating the status of entrepreneurial management components in the relationship between absorption capacity and organizational entrepreneurship in agricultural cooperatives in Kermanshah city


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Razi university kermanshah

3 Department of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, IIam University, IIam, Iran

4 Razi university


Today, with increasing environmental changes and business environment, the intensity of competition between organizations has increased. Organizational entrepreneurship is a process that enables organizations to withstand challenges and manage complexities. In this regard, the present study investigates the components of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorption capacity and organizational entrepreneurship in agricultural cooperatives in Kermanshah. The statistical population of the study included all managers of agricultural cooperatives in Kermanshah (N = 176), using Bartlett table, 110 of them were selected by stratified random sampling with appropriate assignment. The research measurement tool was a standard questionnaire whose validity was assessed using face and convergent validity and its reliability was assessed using combined reliability and Cronbach's alpha. SmartPLS3 and SPSS25 software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the components of entrepreneurial management (growth strategy, strategic orientation, resource orientation, growth culture, reward philosophy and management structure) moderate the relationship between absorption capacity and organizational entrepreneurship among agricultural cooperatives in Kermanshah. As the effect of absorption capacity on organizational entrepreneurship is greater among agricultural companies that have an entrepreneurial management approach than companies that have a traditional management approach. According to the results, it is suggested that the managers of agricultural cooperatives in order to develop organizational entrepreneurship, it is necessary to provide the necessary educational measures and arrangements in order to increase the entrepreneurial spirit and strengthen their motivation.


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