From Analyzing the Fragility of the Value Chain of Agricultural Businesses to Providing Solutions for its Agility: A Study of the Beekeeping Industry and Bee Products


1 Independent Researcher

2 Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering, University of Guilan


The beekeeping industry is considered one of the axes of agricultural entrepreneurship which, in addition to preserving the ecosystem, leads to economic development. Despite the potentials in this industry and the extent of its effects in the agricultural sector, unfortunately, there are problems in the value chain of the beekeeping industry and bee products. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the fragility of the value chain of this industry and providing a solution for it to reach invincibility. For this purpose, to analyze the data, the methods of signification research, BCM and TOPSIS have been used. Initially, ten fragile factors were identified using a document library study; Then, the basic criterion method was analyzed and the weight of each of them was obtained. Finally, using calculated weights, the extraction strategies were examined using the TOPSIS method. According to the research findings, the transfer of scientific achievements of educational-research institutes for the practical use of beekeepers through workshops and seminars has the highest score compared to other strategies. Colonies and value chain studies and the creation of executive-operational procedures at the macro and micro levels to establish the value chain of bee-related products are in the second and third positions.


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