Investigating the pattern of sustainable competitive advantage based on technological entrepreneurship capabilities in dairy industries cooperatives in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces


1 Management,, Aliabad Katoul University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Management, Aliabadektol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran


To compete in a highly competitive market where new products and competitors are always emerging. it is important to innovate in order to increase market share, maintain the organization's position among customers and gain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to investigate the model of sustainable competitive advantage based on technological entrepreneurship capabilities in dairy cooperatives in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces. This research is descriptive survey research in terms of method and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study included 150 managers of technology start-up companies related to the dairy industry in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces. Using a stratified random sampling method based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table, 108 companies were selected as a statistical sample. In order to test the hypotheses and evaluate the research models, Smart PLS 3 software was used. The results show that technological entrepreneurial capabilities (β = 0.790), such as individual (β=0.857), managerial (β=0.894), strategic (β=0.803), technical (β=0.835), environmental (β=0.766) capabilities have a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage with the dimensions of demand conditions (β=0.873), internal factors (β=0.883), strategy and structure of industries (β=0.798), and supporting industries (β=0.796). Technological entrepreneurship capabilities can be considered as one of the solutions for sustainable competitive advantage in the industry, so paying special attention to entrepreneurs and strengthening entrepreneurship, and creating a suitable environment for its development, is one of the tools of economic development of countries, especially developing countries.


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