Provide a framework for digital marketing in agricultural entrepreneurship


1 M.Sc Student of Rural Development, Department of Agricultural Extension and education, College of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and education, College of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The development of digital marketing in recent decades has changed the structure of many businesses and has helped to develop entrepreneurial activities and business innovation. With the spread of Covid 19 around the world, attention to digital marketing has become increasingly important. Although digital marketing has had a far-reaching impact on farmers' productive activities in recent years, many farmers are still deprived of its services. Providing models for digital marketing in agricultural entrepreneurship can be considered by planners in reducing barriers for farmers in the digital trade network. . Therefore, the present article was conducted with the aim of providing a framework for digital marketing in agricultural entrepreneurship using the previous literature review method. Studies have shown that the digital marketing model of agricultural products includes the agricultural entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial process and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Entrepreneurial traits and skills include a range of personal characteristics to competencies and competencies and act as the driving force of the individual. The entrepreneurial process, which involves changing existing processes for digitalization, emphasizes business digitalisation, digital product delivery, marketing, and digital advertising, and provides the resources needed to use digital services and education and information. Needed to enhance digital marketing skills. The entrepreneurial ecosystem includes the social, cultural, economic, and political context of a society that affects a business and includes environmental support, institutional structures, and infrastructure


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