Analyzing the Driving Factors of Crowdfunding for Women Entrepreneurs in the Field of Agriculture


Razi University


Funding is one of the most important and vital concerns of women entrepreneurs, who make up about half of the country's population. In this regard, crowdfunding has been proposed as a new method for entrepreneurs with the aim of financing, developing and commercializing entrepreneurial ideas and projects. So, the aim of this study was to analyze the driving factors of crowdfunding for women entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture in Kermanshah province. The research approach was qualitative and them analysis. The study population was 21 women entrepreneurs in Kermanshah province in the field of agriculture along with key experts with knowledge and experience in the field of agriculture, entrepreneurship and financing. Data were collected through field notes and semi-structured interviews using targeted snowball sampling method, to achieve data theoretical saturation. The analysis of the findings showed that the driving factors of crowdfunding for women entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture includes 23 concepts, 7 sub-themes and 3 main themes, which are: individual factors (including driving factors related to women entrepreneurs and Investors); environmental factors (including cultural-social, economic and legal drivers); and structural factors (including factors related to the platform of crowdfunding and technology driver), which interact with each other. Finally, it was suggested that the number of platforms approved by the competent authorities as a platform for the implementation of the crowdfunding process be increased and hold specialized courses about crowdfunding for women entrepreneurs and potential and actual investors in the field of agriculture.


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