Development of rural businesses in the light of entrepreneurial ecosystem


1 Department of Agricultural Extansion and Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education,

3 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education


Today, entrepreneurship and rural business development are very important in developing countries. Entrepreneurial ecosystem is also considered as a context for the growth and development of rural businesses. Accordingly, the study is a literature review to analyze the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the development of rural businesses. Despite the efforts made in various fields to develop rural entrepreneurship and business, but in practice, there is no proper growth and sustainability. Because entrepreneurs face many obstacles that result from the inappropriate of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. According to the results, the existence of a comprehensive approach in providing a favorable entrepreneurial ecosystem for the development of rural businesses is very important. On the other hand, regional characteristics, absolute, relative or competitive advantages in a rural area that are effective in business development should not be kept out of mind, Because each rural area, according to its own conditions and potentials, has its own entrepreneurial processes and different from other rural areas. Finally, practical and study suggestions are provided for those involved and researchers in this field.


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