Designing a model for the development of international entrepreneurship in knowledge-based businesses


1 PhD Student in Entrepreneurship Management, Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management, Aliabad Katoul, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul,

2 PhD in Entrepreneurship, Department of Management, Azadshahr Faculty of Humanities, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Aliabad Katoul, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran


The purpose of this study is to design a pattern for the development of international entrepreneurship in knowledge-based businesses by prioritize the drivers of internationalization. Methodologically current research was done in two continuous phase. First phase aimed to identify the driving factors of internationalization knowledge-based businesses based on qualitative research paradigm and focus group technique and interview 18 experts. Also in this phase using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), four key factors for internationalization process and weighting these criteria. Second phase was based on survey approach to data gathering. The research tool at this stage was a questionnaire, which was developed in line with the overall purpose of the research and based on the results of the first stage of the research and also its integration with the research background. Date form this phase was analyzed and prioritized using TOPSIS technique. The results showed that the most important criterion in the process of business internationalization is the importance of each measure to complete the technology value chain. Also, the most important factors based on the combination of all criteria are having technological production and being able to sell in the international market, relieving and reducing continuous sanctions, the company's labour force having up-to-date technical knowledge, solving money transfer problems and banking transaction, safe environment for export in destination and having electronic infrastructure for international trade.


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