Designing a Rural Women Entrepreneurship Model in Agricultural Tourism Using a Mixed Approach


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. PO Box, , 19394-4697

2 Master of Business Administration, Payame Noor University


Currently, women in rural areas have a significant entrepreneurial role and designing a rural women entrepreneurship model is very important in agricultural tourism policy. The purpose of this study is to design and explain the entrepreneurial model of rural women in agricultural tourism. This research is exploratory in terms of applied-developmental purpose. In the qualitative part of the research, the participating team includes academic experts in the field of agricultural tourism who were selected in a non-random (purposeful) manner and 30 people were selected. The statistical population in the quantitative part includes rural women entrepreneurs among whom a questionnaire was distributed by census method. In the qualitative part, the information was compiled in the form of a conceptual data model of the foundation, and then in the model test, research hypotheses were analyzed by path analysis method using SPSS25 and Amos software. The results showed that the causal conditions affecting agricultural tourism include the intention to implement entrepreneurship in agricultural tourism, perceived self-efficacy, perceived opportunity and capability, and planned behavior. Intervention conditions include raising awareness, financial and educational support, initiative and efforts of tourism farm owners and contextual conditions include improving the entrepreneurial environment in rural communities, increasing knowledge and skills, and facilitating the participation of officials. Also, the proposed strategies including investment, organization and management and analysis of strengths were identified, and the reduction of social ills was identified as a consequence of the impact of the re-entrepreneurship intention of rural women on agricultural tourism.


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