Investigating the Relationship Between Social Capital and Entrepreneurship Orientation with the Mediating role of Cultural Intelligence


1 Assistant Professor of Management, Higher Education Institution of Pardisan, Fereydunkenar, Iran.

2 Master of Entrepreneurship Student, Pardisan Institute of Higher Education, Fereydoonkanaar, Iran.


Today, entrepreneurship plays an important role in achieving economic development in cities, and provides favorable conditions for urban management through the implementation of economic development strategy. This study was conducted aimed to investigate the relationship between social capital and entrepreneurship orientation with the mediating role of cultural intelligence in Isfahan Municipality. This study was an applied study in terms of the purpose and has been conducted through descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of the study was all administrative staff that was 200 people. The sample size was 127 people according to Krejcie and Morgan Table, but to increase the accuracy, it was increased to 132 people and simple random sampling method was used. Data collection tools were three standard modified questionnaires of social capital, tendency to entrepreneurship and cultural intelligence. Data analysis was performed in the descriptive part with frequency, mean, standard deviation and variance tests with SPSS26 software and in the inferential part; it was performed with structural equation modeling with Smart PLS3 software. The results of data analysis showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between social capital and cultural intelligence. There was a positive and significant relationship between cultural intelligence and entrepreneurship orientation. There was a positive and significant relationship between social capital and entrepreneurship orientation. The results also confirmed the mediating role of cultural intelligence in the relationship between social capital and entrepreneurship. Finally, it was found that strengthening the components of social capital and cultural intelligence is important to improve entrepreneurship in municipalities.


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