Investigating the Relationship between Academic Motivation and Entrepreneurial Capabilities among Students


1 Teacher of vocational schools in Gorgan city

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University


Today, due to the problem of unemployment, students should not only be familiar with entrepreneurship, but also with the acquisition of knowledge, their attitude towards education should be strengthened towards the behavior of entrepreneurs. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between students' academic motivation and their entrepreneurial abilities. The research method was descriptive-applied and was conducted as a questionnaire. The face validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using experts' views and Cronbach's alpha test, respectively. The statistical population of this study consisted of humanities students in Islamic Azad universities of Golestan and North Khorasan provinces (N= 3095) that using Krejcie-Morgan table, 350 people were studied as a sample size. The results showed that undergraduate students have more academic motivation than other graduates and graduate students have more entrepreneurial abilities than other students. Also, among the five dimensions of entrepreneurial capabilities, students scored higher in the "determination" dimension. The present study showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between academic motivation and entrepreneurial capabilities, which indicates the greater success of students with higher academic motivation in improving entrepreneurial capabilities. Promoting academic motivation among students and aligning curricula with entrepreneurial capabilities are some of the suggestions of this research.


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