The factors affecting the development of agricultural entrepreneurship ecosystems from the viewpoints of extension experts


Department of Economics, Agricultural Extension and Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The entrepreneurial ecosystem has played a key role in economic development and the emergence of innovation-based economies. To develop entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, it seems necessary to identify the constituent elements of this ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dimensions affecting the agricultural entrepreneurship ecosystem development based on the views of extension experts in Kermanshah. The research is of applied research type and the data collection method is non-experimental research. The statistical population of the present study is 255 extension experts in Kermanshah and the sample size has been calculated using Cochran's formula equal to 153 people. The data collection tool is a questionnaire containing 49 items to assess the factors affecting the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed by expert review and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The dependent variable is entrepreneurial ecosystem development, which is measured by the number of high-growth companies, the number of new companies participating, the export performance of small companies, the number of new businesses and the net growth of the business population in agriculture in Kermanshah city. The regression results showed that the factor of laws and policies (beta coefficient 0.426), cognitive-cultural factor (beta coefficient 0.298) and educational-extension factor (beta coefficient 0.138) had the greatest impact on entrepreneurial ecosystem development. Establishing supportive laws and policies for the governmental and non-governmental can develop successful ecosystems in the field of agriculture.


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