Comparative analysis of Intelligence entrepreneurial animal husbandry business in Kermanshah Province; Emphasizing on managers’ Digital empowering


1 Department of agricultural extension & education

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The purpose of study was to make a comparative analysis of industrial and traditional entrepreneurial animal husbandry in Kermanshah province with emphasize on managers’ digital empowering. Population studies were 152 managers’ industrial and traditional livestock systems that studied by stratified sampling with proportional assignment. Researcher-made questionnaire was used for gathering data. Validity and reliability questionnaire were confirmed by a panel of experts and Cronbach's alpha. SPSS18 was used to analyzing data. Results showed a positive and significant association between managers' digital empowering and business intelligence in traditional (r = 0.726, P = 0.000) and industrial (r = 0.398, P = 0.044) at 5% level significance. Based on findings, the mean of digital empowering and intelligence of industrial livestock system in all components is at a higher level than traditional system. According to one sample t-test, only economic dimension of digital capability has a significant difference between the two groups at the level of 1% (t =-3.21, P = 0.001). In addition, in business intelligence sector, with 95% confidence in terms of knowledge management components (t =-0 / 670, P = 0.000) and software development (t =-3 / 516, P = 0.001 There was a significant difference between two groups, but no significant difference was observed between data mining and customer-oriented marketing. Based on result, it was suggested that planners and officials of agricultural extension and education of the province, training and development of digital empowering of users. Put them on the billboard of their promotional works.


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