Analysis of barriers to rural entrepreneurship in Zabol city


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Payam Noor University (PNU), Iran

2 PhD student in Agricultural Economics - Agricultural Products Marketing, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran


Rural entrepreneurship is a strategy for empowerment and capacity building of villagers and an important tool in achieving sustainable rural development that prevents migration and stabilizes the rural population. The aim of this study was to analyze the barriers to rural entrepreneurship in Zabol city. The statistical population of this study includes rural households in the central part of Zabol city. The research tool is a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed based on the opinions of university professors and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's coefficient of 0.823. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 24 and exploratory factor analysis method, development barriers, technical barriers, social barriers and instrumental barriers, which are 56 explained the percentage of total variance. The most effective barriers are weakness in the marketing network (with an average of 4.82), investment insecurity in the area (with an average of 4.74), distance from the center of attention (with an average of 4.49), overhead costs due to the large dimension Distance to supply raw materials (with an average of 4.47), distance from the main markets (with an average of 4.18), lack of production infrastructure (with an average of 4.13) and weakness of educational centers in the development of science and technology (with an average of 4.08). Therefore, in order to use the existing capacities, with the help of universities and scientific elites of the region, it is possible to meet the scientific and educational needs in the field of entrepreneurship related to the region's businesses.


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